Wellness for the Whole Family 💁🏻‍♂️ 💆🏻‍♀️ 🐩 🐈 🐎

Genki embodies the passion of finding balance and harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

We are the first e-commerce dedicated to the well-being of humans and pets, nowadays official family members.

Our selection of natural products is designed for the prevention and for the resolution of specific problems. Discover the most suitable products for you and your beloved animals.

Nice to meet you! 元気ですか ?

GENKI DESU KA ? [How are you ?]

In Japanese, “genki” (元気) means “health” or “well-being”.

We grew up in the countryside of Rome, animal lovers and lifelong friends. Between riding competitions and university, pets of all kinds have shared their journey with us, gifting us with all their love. We created Genki to inspire everyone to find their mental and physical balance, and help our pets live their best life by our side.

Marie Cristina and Paolo

Inspired by Oriental Medicine

We are experts in oriental medicine and naturopathy! Together with our suppliers and trusted veterinarians, we select premium natural products of the highest quality for you.