Genki Magazine

Explore with us the secrets of Chinese medicine and discover how to integrate natural remedies to improve the health and vitality of the whole family and your pets. Discover practical tips, insights about the principles of Oriental medicine and more, for harmonious well-being.

Genki Mag

I benefici della vitamina C per la pelle

The benefits of vitamin C for the skin

The importance of vitamin C for the health of our dogs and horses.

The benefits of vitamin C for the skin

The importance of vitamin C for the health of our dogs and horses.

Il magnesio: un elemento essenziale per la salute ed il benessere del cavallo

Magnesium: an essential element for the health ...

Let's look together at the main benefits of this important mineral for horses.

Magnesium: an essential element for the health and well-being of the horse

Let's look together at the main benefits of this important mineral for horses.

Scopri se il tuo animale é piu' Yin o Yang

Find out if your animal is more Yin or Yang

Find out how to determine whether Yin or Yang energy prevails in your animal, balancing these energies can improve their health.

Find out if your animal is more Yin or Yang

Find out how to determine whether Yin or Yang energy prevails in your animal, balancing these energies can improve their health.

Gli organi vitali nella medicina cinese

Vital organs in Chinese medicine

Explore with us the elements of Chinese medicine, and the organs related to them

Vital organs in Chinese medicine

Explore with us the elements of Chinese medicine, and the organs related to them

Cucciolo cane

Puppy: how to start taking care of it

The best way to keep your dog healthy is to start at an early age with healthy nutrition, proper exercise and good mental health

Puppy: how to start taking care of it

The best way to keep your dog healthy is to start at an early age with healthy nutrition, proper exercise and good mental health

Medicina tradizionale cinese

Our Inspiration: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Learn about the principles of Chinese medicine and its elements

Our Inspiration: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Learn about the principles of Chinese medicine and its elements